The Coppell Greens HOA by-laws, supplemental bulletins and Architectural Control Committee (ACC) strive to define and maintain a “high level of taste and design standards” within our community.  The ACC functions as a representative of all homeowners within Coppell Greens for the purpose of the creation and preservation of a first-class community development.  The committee was established in the by-laws to promote and ensure a high level of taste, design, quality, harmony.

The by-laws, standard bulletins and other documents can be viewed on the Public Documents page:
Public Documents

If you wish to make changes to the exterior of your property,  if that change deviates from the by-laws and supplemental bulletins, you MUST submit an ACC Request and get approval prior to starting work.  Failure to do so may result in fines and a lien being made on your property preventing its sale.

It is preferred that ACC requests be completed online on  If that is not possible, however, you may complete an ACC request form and submit it to Pati Reyes and e-mail it to her at: or
ACC Request Form